
    The MADS-box transcription factor FgMcm1 regulates cell identity and 1 fungal development in Fusarium graminearum
    Yang C, Liu HQ, Li GT, Liu MG, Yun YZ, Wang CF, Ma ZH, Xu JR
    IF: 6.24
    平台:Illumina Sequencing
    服务种类:RNA Sequencing
    ANGPTL7 regulates the expansion and repopulation of human hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells
    Xiao YR, Jiang ZW, Li Y, Ye W, Jia B, Zhang MJ,Xu Y,Wu DH, Lai LX, Chen YY, Chang YJ,Huang XJ, Liu HD, Qing GL,Liu PT,Li YQ, Xu B,Zhong M, Yao Y, Pei DQ, Li P
    IF: 5.868
    服务种类:Gene Sequencing
    Methylation of microRNA genes regulates gene expression in bisexual flower development in andromonoecious poplar
    Song YP,Tian M, Ci D, Zhang DQ
    IF: 5.794
    平台:Affymetrix Microarray
    服务种类:Expression Microarray
    MicroRNA Expression Profile Reveals miR-17-92 and miR-143-145 Cluster in Synchronous Colorectal Cancer.
    Meng WJ, Yang L, Ma Q, Zhang H, Adell G, Arbman G, Wang ZQ, Li Y, Zhou ZG, Sun XF.
    IF: 5.723
    平台:Affymetrix Microarray
    服务种类:miRNA Microarray
    Interplay between menin and Dnmt1 reversibly regulates pancreatic cancer cell growth downstream of the hedgehog signaling pathway
    Cheng P, Wang YF, Li G, Yang SS, Liu C, Hu H, Jin G, Hu XG
    IF: 5.621
    平台:Agilent Microarray
    服务种类:Expression Microarray
    MicroRNA-122 confers sorafenib resistance to hepatocellular carcinoma cells by targeting IGF-1r to regulate RAS/RAF/ERK signaling pathways.
    Yanmin X, Ji H, Leina M, Juanjuan S, Junjie S, Zhi Y, Limei L, Yongli L, Chao Y, Cheng Q.
    IF: 5.621
    平台:Agilent Microarray
    服务种类:miRNA Microarray
    A cross-talk between Hepatitis B virus and host mRNAs confers viral adaptation to liver.
    Hu J, Xu Y, Li C, Hao J, Peng S, Chu X, Zhang D, Xu D, Meng S.
    IF: 5.578
    平台:Affymetrix Microarray
    服务种类:Expression Microarray
    DNA methyltransferase 3A promotes cell proliferation by silencing CDK inhibitor p18INK4C in gastric carcinogenesis
    Cui H, Zhao C, Gong P, Wang L, Wu H, Zhang K, Zhou R, Wang L, Zhang T, Zhong S, Fan H.
    IF: 5.578
    平台:Affymetrix Microarray
    服务种类:Expression Microarray
    Forward genetic screen for auxin-deficient mutants by cytokinin.
    Wu L, Luo P, Di DW, Wang L, Wang M, Lu CK, Wei SD, Zhang L, Zhang TZ, Amakorová P, Strnad M, Novák O, Guo GQ.
    IF: 5.578
    服务种类:Genome Sequencing
    Genome-wide analysis of microRNAs identifies the lipid metabolism pathway to be a defining factor in adipose tissue from different sheep.
    Miao X, Luo Q, Qin X, Guo Y.
    IF: 5.578
    平台:Illumina Sequencing
    服务种类:miRNA Sequencing